Senior Week is HERE!!!
What is Senior Week, you ask? Shortly before summer, we spend one week celebrating the upcoming class of gradudating Seniors. We give away awesome prizes, free sessions and have tons of fun on social media.
We will be introducing our seniors during this week. During Senior Week we also open up bookings for our Summer Senior Sessions for 2017 Graduating Seniors with AWESOME early bird specials. You can get these Early Bird Specials of $100 credit when you book your session during Senior Week so we usually fill up the majority of our summer session during this week.
This year we have a special treat! We are giving away some of your favorites places gift cards! ANY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT CAN WIN!!!
All you have to do is fill out this link to enter in your chance to win. We will announce our winners on Friday!!!
Starting off Monday with Kailey! Kailey is graduating this spring from Woodstock High School!